Deloitte Financial Advisory Services.
Needs assessment, industry literature and study analysis.
In June 2013, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services (Deloitte FAS) engaged FUND Consulting to complete a needs assessment to assist with addressing the training and technical assistance needs of CDFI MDIs throughout the United States and to research issues related to CDFI MDI participation in CDFI Fund programs. The needs assessment included a survey of MDIs to identify common needs and challenges in the industry, a review of industry literature , and interviews witha sample group of CDFI MDIs. During this process, FUND Consulting also led a roundtable discussion with Deloitte FAS, the Community Development Bankers Association, Wilson Consulting Associates, and CastleOak Securities to discuss the issues and training needs of CDFI MDIs. FUND Consulting delivered a formal report of its survey findings, research, and interviews including an analysis of key themes and interview transcripts. Additionally, FUND Consulting provided feedback on Deloitte FAS’ final report to the CDFI Fund. The final report was used to develop the CDFI Fund’s Preserving and Expanding CDFI Minority Depository Institutions series launched in early 2014 to assist CDFI MDIs in expanding their capacity to grow and sustain their lending and social impacts within their target markets.