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  1. The Market Study Process – Phase 1: Organizational Assessment; Goal Setting; Key Research Questions; and Research Tool Development | Smart Decisions, Reliable Data: A blog dedicated to community and economic development issues
    November 16, 2012 @ 12:38 pm

    […] « What Is a Market Study and Why Do I Need One?  |   […]

  2. The Market Study Process – Phase 2: Data Collection | Smart Decisions, Reliable Data: A blog dedicated to community and economic development issues
    November 28, 2012 @ 2:16 pm

    […] study mark the point at which the project begins to uncover the information that will be used to guide an organization’s strategic decision making.  In this week’s post we will discuss the first of these two key phases: data […]

  3. CDFI Capitalization Planning | Smart Decisions, Reliable Data: A blog dedicated to community and economic development issues
    May 20, 2013 @ 12:43 pm

    […] Our most recently completed capitalization plan for a business loan fund client grew out of a market study that FUND completed for the organization, which indicated need and demand for the […]

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