Women & Money: Making Money Moves That Matter | Austin, TX | Sept 16 & 17, 2019
What will it take for all women (and everyone who cares about the well-being of women and other marginalized voices) to “get in the game” of money, giving, and investing?
What does it take for women to move their entire purse or wallet in alignment with their most cherished values?
This conference will be convening bold, unapologetic leaders and activists in strategic philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, angel investing, and social impact investing with a gender lens who want to move money to women and girls so much faster. If you are curious about social impact investing with a gender lens or have questions about how gender lens investing brings about social, political, and economic change, join the conference! If you already know which new “money moves” you want to make personally or in your organization, but want a stronger community of leaders and financial advisors to help guide your actions, join the conference!
For more information, visit the conference website.